
Little Man

Yesterday my baby boy started kindergarten.  I really can't believe that he is already big enough to be starting real school.  It seems like only yesterday I was cuddling him in my arms as a sweet newborn.  The time really does fly by!  It makes me question a little bit what I'm doing with my life and if time goes by so quickly, am I happy with how I'm living it? 

I am so very very proud of him.  He has grown into such a fun, sweet, and loving boy (with the occasional temper too!).  He has his own little personality and loves to carry on a conversation these days.  Last night, he was telling me about how he got "green" (meaning he listened well) yesterday, and I asked him how he did that and he said "because I nailed it" in all seriousness.  It was the cutest thing ever!  I am so thankful for him in my life because without him and my hubby, I just really don't know what I would do.  He especially brings me so much joy and I wish I could spend even more time learning from him to take life more simply and enjoy it.

Instead, I often just feel like crying.  I just don't know what I'm doing with this job situation any more.  I haven't heard back from the first "dream job" at all which I think is really strange and annoying.  I'm okay with rejection, but just ignoring me completely is just plain rude.  I have this other interview on Thursday, but I'm not all that enthusiastic about it because they sent me the benefits package with the e-mail confirmation for my interviews, and it is significantly more expensive (try double) what we are paying now and for much less coverage.  So to make up in that difference alone would probably be $5k+.  So I'm really bummed and feeling even more stuck than ever.  I can't continue doing what I'm doing now and be happy and yet I can't really leave either.  It's a terrible predicament.

I often wish I had been braver about figuring out what I wanted to do when I was younger.  So maybe I could have gotten a masters degree in psychology and done counseling or maybe I could have gotten a masters degree in speech therapy or something like that.  At least then I would have a career and a bit of a path of what I wanted to do and be and I could just switch jobs when I wanted to get a raise or better benefits or be closer to home.  But now I am where I am and while I like what I do, it also takes me away from my family a lot (a lot more than what is made up for by the $$ or benefits), and it causes me a lot of stress (which is now showing through physically), and it causes me to miss out on things like working out or taking dance class or spending time with my family and friends.  It also causes me to commute daily (and the commute is about to get longer if I switch to some jobs and/or when our office moves next year) and that's more time away from me, my family and friends.  Ugh!  I just feel really lost and frustrated right now...hope to feel better about this all soon!

I'm still going to go on Thursday for experience if nothing else, and I'm going this afternoon to the doctor to talk about some pains I've been experiencing lately in my arms as well as my anxiety.  I know this will all get better soon and there are lots of other people out there dealing with way worse.  But for me, it just feels like a very tough year and I'm ready for change to come to better it for all of us.  I am trying to be patient.  I really am! 

For now, I will focus on the good in my life - like my son and his awesome love for school and excitement about life.  I wish I could bottle it up and drink it in.  :)

1 comment:

Liz said...

One of the lowest points of my life was when I was in a job that I hated. Don't feel bad for feeling down. Your job is one of the biggest parts of your life. You probably spend more time there than you do with your own child, so you need to like it.

I know it's frustrating, but I am absolutely certain that if you keep looking the right job will come your way. I always try to remember to put my trust in God when I'm feeling that way because He does know what he is doing. Just hang in there a bit longer!