
Where Has the Time Gone?

Time flies these days.  Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a not so good way.  I have a lot to write about but most of it is frustration so I've been avoiding writing because I don't want everyone to think of me as a negative person.  I swear I'm not!  I'm just ready for a change and my patience is wearing very thin with my work situation and yet there isn't much I can do about it.  So I'm trying to suck it up and move forward and just hope that a positive change comes very soon!

On the positive side, we are on vacation this week at the beach.  It's so relaxing.  It's one thing I miss from growing up in Florida - the sound of the ocean and the way it can instaneously relax me.  I wish it was closer so that when I'm stressed, I could just listen to the waves and relax.  This vacation couldn't have come at a better time and I'm thankful to have the opportunity to do it.  I love spending time with my husband and son and not having to think about work too much (still have worked 1.5-2 hours each day but at least it's on my own time!).  I love having time to read a good book (reading "One Day" this week and really enjoying it) and "sleeping in" a little bit until 7:30 or 8 and staying up a little later.  I love enjoying all of the great seafood down here and get tanned at the beach and fishing and all of the fun things about this place.

I can't believe it but my son starts kindergarten in a few short weeks.  I couldn't be prouder of him.  He has learned how to swim well this summer and is not afraid any more.  He is doing so well with his school stuff and is excited about kindergarten which is great.  I am a nerd and always loved school so I'm hoping he will feel the same.  I hope he gets a great teacher!!!

My brief comment on work is that things are pretty much the same as before but EVEN WORSE because they have hired a complete idiot to be our employee in the other Texas office.  She can't even use a computer properly.  It's ridiculous.  So instead of getting help, we are having to babysit someone and make things take longer.  Good times!  To top it off, every few weeks my boss randomly decides to yell at me for no reason whatsoever and I feel like I'm constantly under so much stress yet no additional pay or career path available.  It's infuriating! 

Before I left for vacation, my stress level had caused my shoulder/arm/back muscles to get so tense that I was having pains in my left arm which was then causing panic attacks because I of course thought I was having a heart attack or something.  Luckily, I got a massage here on Monday and she was a lifesaver working it all out.  I just hate what this job is doing to my body, but I also don't know when/if I can change it any time soon.  I had a phone interview last week, but found out this week that they decided to not move forward with me for interviews.  So I either stink at interviewing or they don't believe that I'm capable of as much as I am because the things my current work is doing to hold me back doesn't speak as highly of me as it should.  Or maybe a combination of the two.  Either way, I need to resign myself to the fact that this is how things are and try to deal with it however I can for now. 

We went to a church the weekend before we went out of town but didn't really like it.  However, I'm really excited to try out another one not this weekend because we will just be getting home, but the next weekend I'm hoping we can go.  I've heard it's great, I've watched a bunch of the sermons online, and I think it might be want we are looking for.  Fingers crossed because I feel like I need that in my life right now (and wouldn't mind meeting some good people as many of our friends have been flaky lately!).

Also, if you haven't seen "Horrible Bosses" run to the theater now!  I thought it was awesome.  Be forewarned that there is a lot of bad language and "dirty" scenes, but it's HILARIOUS if you aren't offended by that type of thing.  I think I love it so much because 1) I have a horrible boss myself! and 2) it is funny because it's so true to life on the idiosyncracies of work life. 

I think that's all I've got for now - maybe I can keep up with this more by making time to write things out and hopefully that will help with the stress as well!  I start traveling the week I get back (overnight trip to our other Texas office), then have one week off, and then start the next week with my heavy fall travel which will last through late October.  Ugh!  At least we are taking 2 days off in October for a mini-vacation with my parents during our son's fall break.  For now, I'm going to enjoy the vacation - talk to you later!

P.S. Note to self - don't watch Shark Week when you're at the beach!  My brother-in-law keeps putting it on and it's driving me crazy and making me scared to go into the ocean!

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