
Happy Friday!

So I survived the interview yesterday!  It was really pretty great actually and even if I don't get called back for third rounds, I feel good about how I presented myself and the admiration and respect that the people I met with had for me and my background.  I am not one to brag about myself at all which I think is why interviews are difficult for me, but I definitely know my stuff in this world and was able to articulate it well I think. 

The "boss" of this position seemed awesome!  She was very down to earth, has two little girls so understands the work/life balance needs, and is more in my working style with planning ahead and checking things off the list to get them done.  She also doesn't like to micromanage people and is really looking for someone who will be a team player and help to drive some change.  I really think we "clicked" and I'm hoping she thought so too.  She introduced me to the other members of the team afterwards which I thought was a good sign as well, but who knows.  The other person I met with was the HR leader of the group that this position hires into and she seemed really great too.  She gave me hope as well because she said that she has been able to try out 4 different positions in the 6 years she has been there and is the type of person who likes to get in to a job, learn it, improve it, and move forward, and I think that's a little bit how I am as well.  So it was encouraging to hear that they are at least "open" to that possibility unlike here where it is groundhogs day for eternity.

Pros: Really liked the people, the boss seems WAY better, there is a support staff of two additional people to help, I would have less crazy responsibility for a million and one things and would have the ability to concentrate more deeply on building relationships with the students and internal recruiters, possible career development opportunities available, supportive of continuing education, seem pretty flexible on hours and I read online (though they didn't mention it so maybe it doesn't apply to all staff) that they do flexible fridays during the summer where from Memorial Day to Labor Day you can work 9/80 and have every other Friday off!, better title
Cons: The office environment is a little more stuffy looking although it seems like the people are fun and they still do fun events and things.  The office location is farther from home BUT our office is scheduled to move there or near there next year anyways and this office at least is on the side where I might POSSIBLY be able to take the train.  The benefits are not quite as good on the insurance side (higher deductible, copays, percentage of responsibility, etc.), but we have ridiculously good insurance here (part of the reason I'm scared to leave) so I don't know if I will ever find something this good again and this potential position has better insurance than most. 
Neutral: It is very similar to what I'm doing now so I would have to prove myself for a few years probably before I could be considered for advancement.

So we shall see.  Next step would be to go back (should hear by early next week I'm hoping) and meet with some of the partners involved in the department.  And then it is offer time.  So we shall see how this all works out.  I also have a call set up next week with someone at my current job about a global job (which I'm not really qualified for but asked the manager about it and career advice in general at our company) and am looking forward to at least hearing what she has to say.  I at least had a positive experience with this interview, and for that I'm glad because it made me feel better about the world and my options in it!  :)  And now I'm excited to get to enjoy the weekend with my guys!  Hope you all have a great one and fingers crossed that whatever is meant to be happens soon! 



I'm about to leave for my interview.  I took the day off to relax and get stuff done around the house.  But it's now almost time to head downtown and check things out.  I haven't been on a real live interview in over 6 years!  I've done several phone interviews - some good, some bad I guess, but this will be the first time I will be face to face interviewing with a company.  It's exciting but scary at the same time.  I'm trying to just go in with an open mind.  My goal is to get the offer because I can always say no.  But even just receiving another opportunity (even if I can't take it) will boost my mood/confidence to keep on trying.  So wish me luck and at least let me do well and then I can figure it out from there!  Everything happens for a reason!  :)


Little Man

Yesterday my baby boy started kindergarten.  I really can't believe that he is already big enough to be starting real school.  It seems like only yesterday I was cuddling him in my arms as a sweet newborn.  The time really does fly by!  It makes me question a little bit what I'm doing with my life and if time goes by so quickly, am I happy with how I'm living it? 

I am so very very proud of him.  He has grown into such a fun, sweet, and loving boy (with the occasional temper too!).  He has his own little personality and loves to carry on a conversation these days.  Last night, he was telling me about how he got "green" (meaning he listened well) yesterday, and I asked him how he did that and he said "because I nailed it" in all seriousness.  It was the cutest thing ever!  I am so thankful for him in my life because without him and my hubby, I just really don't know what I would do.  He especially brings me so much joy and I wish I could spend even more time learning from him to take life more simply and enjoy it.

Instead, I often just feel like crying.  I just don't know what I'm doing with this job situation any more.  I haven't heard back from the first "dream job" at all which I think is really strange and annoying.  I'm okay with rejection, but just ignoring me completely is just plain rude.  I have this other interview on Thursday, but I'm not all that enthusiastic about it because they sent me the benefits package with the e-mail confirmation for my interviews, and it is significantly more expensive (try double) what we are paying now and for much less coverage.  So to make up in that difference alone would probably be $5k+.  So I'm really bummed and feeling even more stuck than ever.  I can't continue doing what I'm doing now and be happy and yet I can't really leave either.  It's a terrible predicament.

I often wish I had been braver about figuring out what I wanted to do when I was younger.  So maybe I could have gotten a masters degree in psychology and done counseling or maybe I could have gotten a masters degree in speech therapy or something like that.  At least then I would have a career and a bit of a path of what I wanted to do and be and I could just switch jobs when I wanted to get a raise or better benefits or be closer to home.  But now I am where I am and while I like what I do, it also takes me away from my family a lot (a lot more than what is made up for by the $$ or benefits), and it causes me a lot of stress (which is now showing through physically), and it causes me to miss out on things like working out or taking dance class or spending time with my family and friends.  It also causes me to commute daily (and the commute is about to get longer if I switch to some jobs and/or when our office moves next year) and that's more time away from me, my family and friends.  Ugh!  I just feel really lost and frustrated right now...hope to feel better about this all soon!

I'm still going to go on Thursday for experience if nothing else, and I'm going this afternoon to the doctor to talk about some pains I've been experiencing lately in my arms as well as my anxiety.  I know this will all get better soon and there are lots of other people out there dealing with way worse.  But for me, it just feels like a very tough year and I'm ready for change to come to better it for all of us.  I am trying to be patient.  I really am! 

For now, I will focus on the good in my life - like my son and his awesome love for school and excitement about life.  I wish I could bottle it up and drink it in.  :)


Thank You

Thanks for your comments!  They made me feel much better.  I still have yet to hear back from them (so strange to me) and it's now one week since my interviews, but I'm trying not to think about it too much.  In other good news, I received a call about another position yesterday (another good company) and did a phone interview that went well and they are setting up in-person interviews for me early next week.  I don't think it's quite as an ideal situation as job #1 but still a great company and a better position than what I'm in now so it's worth a shot.  Fingers crossed something great comes along for me soon!  :)

Tonight is my son's "Meet the Teacher" night.  I think we are all SUPER excited - I hope he/she is great!  Of course I have to drive there and then back to downtown for a dinner tonight because my life couldn't get any busier/complicated if I tried!  Ha!  This morning one of my tires read really low so in my dress for work I filled it up and about to go check on it to make sure it's not going flat again.  I'm hoping it was a random incident due to the heat!

In other good news, we tried out a church last Sunday that I've been wanting to try out for a long time, and we really liked it.  I think we are going to go back again this Sunday and bring our son along this time and let him go to the Wee Worship that they have.  Ha!  Right now, I really need something like this in my life, so I'm glad it is starting to work out.  Now I hope we can meet some great people there too because I'm getting really tired of all of my friends being crappy friends!!!

Other than that, not a whole lot else to report - just trying to survive day by day!  Hope you all have a great rest of the week and hope to have good  updates again soon.  :)



Right now, I'm feeling heartbroken.  I don't have a concrete reason yet because I haven't been told no yet, but I just have this feeling because I haven't heard anything at all that it's a no....

What I'm talking about is this set of interviews I had last week for a job that I would love to have.  It would allow me to work from home up to 3 days a week, would like reduce my travel, and would finally give me the leadership and step-up opportunities I have so been craving.  I've had 3 interviews now with 3 different people, the last two were last Thursday.  And I really did think they went fabulously but maybe I always just think that and they are secretly hoping the call will end quickly!

I'm just confused because both of the Thursday interviews ended with how they thought we had such a great conversation and they seemed to be overly positive (which people wouldn't be too positive if that wasn't really the case).  And although they haven't called or written to say no, they haven't called or written to say yes to meet with the last person, the boss of the position and the head honcho for the US.  She is the one that had initially called me last Tuesday to ask if I wanted to set up the two additional interviews but I had only gotten a voicemail and never talked to her in person. 

I sent an e-mail this morning to one of the ones I met with by phone last week and haven't received a response.  I guess I should be happy with that since no response is better than we have decided to go a different direction.  But for now, I am having a bad day/week/month and am deciding to be heartbroken instead.  And write about it because it makes me feel better.  If I could just forget about it for a little bit and see what happens, I would feel better.  But that's really hard when misery is overwhelming me at work on a daily basis and I'm kind of at the edge of the brink here. 

It will get better.   I will stay positive.  And even if this doesn't work out, it's because it's not meant to be and I will find something even better soon.  Now if only I could convince my brain/heart of that as well!  ;)


Where Has the Time Gone?

Time flies these days.  Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a not so good way.  I have a lot to write about but most of it is frustration so I've been avoiding writing because I don't want everyone to think of me as a negative person.  I swear I'm not!  I'm just ready for a change and my patience is wearing very thin with my work situation and yet there isn't much I can do about it.  So I'm trying to suck it up and move forward and just hope that a positive change comes very soon!

On the positive side, we are on vacation this week at the beach.  It's so relaxing.  It's one thing I miss from growing up in Florida - the sound of the ocean and the way it can instaneously relax me.  I wish it was closer so that when I'm stressed, I could just listen to the waves and relax.  This vacation couldn't have come at a better time and I'm thankful to have the opportunity to do it.  I love spending time with my husband and son and not having to think about work too much (still have worked 1.5-2 hours each day but at least it's on my own time!).  I love having time to read a good book (reading "One Day" this week and really enjoying it) and "sleeping in" a little bit until 7:30 or 8 and staying up a little later.  I love enjoying all of the great seafood down here and get tanned at the beach and fishing and all of the fun things about this place.

I can't believe it but my son starts kindergarten in a few short weeks.  I couldn't be prouder of him.  He has learned how to swim well this summer and is not afraid any more.  He is doing so well with his school stuff and is excited about kindergarten which is great.  I am a nerd and always loved school so I'm hoping he will feel the same.  I hope he gets a great teacher!!!

My brief comment on work is that things are pretty much the same as before but EVEN WORSE because they have hired a complete idiot to be our employee in the other Texas office.  She can't even use a computer properly.  It's ridiculous.  So instead of getting help, we are having to babysit someone and make things take longer.  Good times!  To top it off, every few weeks my boss randomly decides to yell at me for no reason whatsoever and I feel like I'm constantly under so much stress yet no additional pay or career path available.  It's infuriating! 

Before I left for vacation, my stress level had caused my shoulder/arm/back muscles to get so tense that I was having pains in my left arm which was then causing panic attacks because I of course thought I was having a heart attack or something.  Luckily, I got a massage here on Monday and she was a lifesaver working it all out.  I just hate what this job is doing to my body, but I also don't know when/if I can change it any time soon.  I had a phone interview last week, but found out this week that they decided to not move forward with me for interviews.  So I either stink at interviewing or they don't believe that I'm capable of as much as I am because the things my current work is doing to hold me back doesn't speak as highly of me as it should.  Or maybe a combination of the two.  Either way, I need to resign myself to the fact that this is how things are and try to deal with it however I can for now. 

We went to a church the weekend before we went out of town but didn't really like it.  However, I'm really excited to try out another one not this weekend because we will just be getting home, but the next weekend I'm hoping we can go.  I've heard it's great, I've watched a bunch of the sermons online, and I think it might be want we are looking for.  Fingers crossed because I feel like I need that in my life right now (and wouldn't mind meeting some good people as many of our friends have been flaky lately!).

Also, if you haven't seen "Horrible Bosses" run to the theater now!  I thought it was awesome.  Be forewarned that there is a lot of bad language and "dirty" scenes, but it's HILARIOUS if you aren't offended by that type of thing.  I think I love it so much because 1) I have a horrible boss myself! and 2) it is funny because it's so true to life on the idiosyncracies of work life. 

I think that's all I've got for now - maybe I can keep up with this more by making time to write things out and hopefully that will help with the stress as well!  I start traveling the week I get back (overnight trip to our other Texas office), then have one week off, and then start the next week with my heavy fall travel which will last through late October.  Ugh!  At least we are taking 2 days off in October for a mini-vacation with my parents during our son's fall break.  For now, I'm going to enjoy the vacation - talk to you later!

P.S. Note to self - don't watch Shark Week when you're at the beach!  My brother-in-law keeps putting it on and it's driving me crazy and making me scared to go into the ocean!