
I Give Up

I haven't written for a few days mainly because I am just not sure what to say.  I am frustrated, angry, and sad all at the same time.  My review on Wednesday was one of the hardest days of my life, and it has taken every ounce of strength in my body to show up to work all day long every day since then because the stress is just overly burdening my body.  But it's Friday and in about 4 hours, I plan to leave this place for the weekend, go see my friend who had a baby yesterday (yay for babies!), and enjoy a relaxing weekend with my friends and family.  I couldn't be more ready for this!

I have been praying a lot lately for things to get better, and yesterday I received a fortune cookie that said "Happier days are definitely ahead for you."  So I have put it in my wallet right in the front with my driver's license so I can open it and stare at it whenever I start feeling down.  I'm ready for those happier days...let's hope they get here sooner than later!

1 comment:

Teagan B. Sawyer said...

I was thinkin go fyou hoping that the review would be better than anticipated. I think the fortune cookie is definitely right...things have a way of working out for the best. Hang in there and enjoy your fabulous weekend :)