

With all of my upcoming travel and the craziness we have had the past few weeks, working out has been hard.  I have basically given up on my couch to 5K.  Mainly because I came back to the fact that I HATE running - always have, always will.  It doesn't feel good to me in any way - walking I can do any time, but running just isn't my thing.  So...I needed to find a way to burn a ton of calories without having to run.  I have used the elliptical in the past and really liked it, but unfortunately we own a treadmill and not an elliptical and don't have it in our budget to buy one.  Plus I don't currently have a gym membership (although am thinking of at least joining the local city one just because I can get reimbursed for the full amount of that) so elliptical is out. 

Yesterday, I went on the On Demand on our uverse and found Piloxing, and I'm now in love.  It is a combination of boxing and pilates with a few dance moves put in as well.  The On Demand version was only 23 minutes long but afterwards, I was soaked with sweat and felt amazing!  I have since ordered the DVD from Amazon and some small weighted gloves to add some extra burn.  I'm excited because everything I've read says the hour version burns anywhere from 500-1000 calories!  That's my kind of workout - quick and efficient!  :)  Tonight we are doing Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior so I get that in at least, but then after that, I will be on my own for the most part for a few weeks. 

Check out Piloxing if you have a minute - I think you will like it!  :) 

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