

Right now, I'm feeling heartbroken.  I don't have a concrete reason yet because I haven't been told no yet, but I just have this feeling because I haven't heard anything at all that it's a no....

What I'm talking about is this set of interviews I had last week for a job that I would love to have.  It would allow me to work from home up to 3 days a week, would like reduce my travel, and would finally give me the leadership and step-up opportunities I have so been craving.  I've had 3 interviews now with 3 different people, the last two were last Thursday.  And I really did think they went fabulously but maybe I always just think that and they are secretly hoping the call will end quickly!

I'm just confused because both of the Thursday interviews ended with how they thought we had such a great conversation and they seemed to be overly positive (which people wouldn't be too positive if that wasn't really the case).  And although they haven't called or written to say no, they haven't called or written to say yes to meet with the last person, the boss of the position and the head honcho for the US.  She is the one that had initially called me last Tuesday to ask if I wanted to set up the two additional interviews but I had only gotten a voicemail and never talked to her in person. 

I sent an e-mail this morning to one of the ones I met with by phone last week and haven't received a response.  I guess I should be happy with that since no response is better than we have decided to go a different direction.  But for now, I am having a bad day/week/month and am deciding to be heartbroken instead.  And write about it because it makes me feel better.  If I could just forget about it for a little bit and see what happens, I would feel better.  But that's really hard when misery is overwhelming me at work on a daily basis and I'm kind of at the edge of the brink here. 

It will get better.   I will stay positive.  And even if this doesn't work out, it's because it's not meant to be and I will find something even better soon.  Now if only I could convince my brain/heart of that as well!  ;)


Liz said...

No response does not mean that you're out. I've found that companies will sometimes take weeks to make any move on things. Sometimes they are just waiting for one person's schedule to coincide with everyone else's in order to finish interviewing. Sometimes they are just busy with other things. I wouldn't feel down until they give you a definite no. Hope it works out and I'll be praying for you!

Teagan B. Sawyer said...

I agree with Liz. So many times it is just all the company run around. So definitely think no news currently is good news :) Hang in there I'm sure everything will work out great. xo