
The Good and the Bad

Things that are good (great!) right now:
1) Spent a wonderful 5 days off this weekend enjoying the holidays with my son and hubby and some of hubby's family - included getting our Christmas tree, reading, getting stuff done around the house, cooking, and the Parade of Lights which was super fun
2) Trying hard to enjoy the holiday season even though it's hectic this time of year and we have at least one thing (sometimes both days) every weekend from now until the new year, but my husband is like Clark Griswald and his enthusiasm is infectious
3) Picked out super cute glasses yesterday after finally going to my overdue eye appointment and they should be in soon
4) Had a good conversation with my parents/mom a few weekends ago and am working to repair that relationship again - really hoping it sticks this time so this nonsense can stop - so far so good

Things that are not so good:
1) Went to my gyn today to do another check-up on my endometriosis/ovarian cysts and found out the left one is continuing to get bigger and I am likely going to have to have surgery AGAIN to remove the cyst (and possibly part of the ovary depending on damage) - I am none to pleased on this one because I just had surgery in December of last year and that one was fairly easy - this one will require an overnight hospital stay plus 2 weeks of recovery :(  and I am dreading the possibility of this happening every year from now until I get a hysterectomy....grrrrrrrr.  Of course calendar-wise, there isn't much good timing left either before I get busy with work again so may need to do it the week after Christmas or at the latest the first week of January or will have to wait until March which then interferes with son's birthday and potential family vacation to Hilton Head
2) Still very frustrated with job situation.  Right now I feel a bit better because I'm not traveling and not so crazy busy that I can't think, but I want more out of life than this and not sure how to fix it without losing the awesome benefits that we have here.  This is one I will continue to work on in 2011 I think! 
3) Due to #2 and their lovely idea of a "promotion" we are more short on $$ than I would like to be with housing taxes needing to be paid in January and Christmas presents to be bought.  We are trying to be frugal this year and keep our credit card debt as minimal as possible, but it sucks.  Can't wait until I get my bonus in April and can pay things down and hopefully get a raise and then in the fall of next year when we will get money back from not having to pay for preschool/daycare any more. 
4) Feel like a bad mother some days because 1) son was picked on by bullies last week and had a black eye for Thanksgiving weekend because some stupid kid pushed him into a pole and he hit his cheek bone and 2) back to #3, we are likely going to have to put son in public elementary school at least (not opposed to public school but our district is not as good as I want it to be and especially won't send him for middle/high school there) to save some money for a bit.  Hoping he will get into the charter school (lottery on 12/18 - fingers crossed), but if not it's only a few years right?  :) 

I am trying hard to focus on the goods and not the bads because that stuff can get me down.  We are very blessed compared to so many other families this year and if it means we have to sacrifice a bit now for a bigger payoff later, then so be it!  I am just ready for some good things to start happening with work and the economy!  Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and hope to write more now that I have a bit more time at work.  :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Architect said...

Yay for having a hubby with infectuous christmas spirit!! I love it!

Oh my gosh girl, bully issues have NOTHING to do with you as a mother! It sucks, but thats something TOTALLY out of your control. And dont fret over public schools. There are crappy kids in private schools too. And I WISH my mom had put us in public school back in alabama, because we would have gotten a WAY better education than the private one we went to.