
Everything happens for a reason

That's what I keep telling myself and I'm going to keep telling myself that until the reason becomes more clear.  :) 

We had a great weekend - did a lot of housework (boo!) but at least I have nice clean, fluffy carpets again.  I can't wait until we can get a little extra $$ saved up and replace our carpets with hardwood floors (or at least fake hardwood!).  Having a cat and a dog and a child makes for messy carpets no matter what we do! 

We also got to take our son to see the Dallas Mavericks play!  He had a blast cheering for the team and watching basketball.  We got cheap tickets on StubHub and it was so great to see the smile on his face.  He even did a little dance whenever the fun music came on!  Love it!  :)

This week is my hell week at work trying to prepare for the weekend ahead.  I am bringing 30 people into Dallas/Houston from around the country for a weekend of wining and dining.  It can be fun but it's a lot of stress and lots of sleepless nights, but it will all be over soon (at least for this year).  Wish me luck in surviving! 

Gotta get back to work now...looking forward to seeing what life has in store for me soon!

1 comment:

Mrs. Architect said...

Yes, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. And I LOVE when you finally get to the point where you find out WHY things happened such a way. Just takes that dang thing called patience. grr...

I'm SO excited yall got to go to a mavs game and had such fun!! I have some wonderful memories at a mavs game...heehee

I can just picture your little man dancing!!! SO CUTE!!!