
I survived

So I survived my crazy weekend at work, and if I can get through the next two days, I will get to enjoy the weekend to myself!  Having worked the Sunday before, a full week last week, the weekend, and now another full week, let me tell you that I have no idea how people who have two jobs or have to work 7 days a week do it!  I'm on day #12 and each morning becomes harder to get of bed.  Between my sleepiness and the chilliness outside, I just want to snuggle in bed all day!  But I get up and go about my day and survive ;) 

I have been thinking a lot on my drives about where I want to go from here.  I thought that 2010 was going to be "my year" after the health issues and such we had last year.  And while we are blessed to be healthier this year and have had many other blessings, we have also had a very tough year in terms of work and friends.  I am ready for things to get better in both areas, and I try not to let the craziness of the holidays and the $$$ drain it has on us to get me down.  I'm trying to figure out ways to make this year super special but without going overboard on our finances!  The good news is that if nothing else, by next fall, we should be saving a lot more money when our son goes to real Kindergarten.  We may have to do an after-school type program and obviously pay in the summers, but it will not be the constant drain on the bank account every month that it is right now.  And hopefully, in 2011, I can either get a new job (!) or at least get paid better as our reviews and raises take affect April 1st. 

Now I just need to decide whether or not I wait around and see what happens here or explore my options elsewhere....TBD at another time!  Gotta run but looking forward to a weekend of relaxing followed by 2 days of work and then taking off the day before Thanksgiving.  I can't wait until next week:

Wednesday - off from work and cooking at home with my son (so fun!), free tickets to the Usher concert in a suite that night with hubby (yay!)

Thursday - T-day and who doesn't love that?!

Friday - get the Christmas tree (love!) and then tickets to the Parade of Lights which I have been wanting to go to for years (can't wait!)

1 comment:

Mrs. Architect said...

How was the usher concert???? I bet it was AMAZING!!!! I'm SO jealous you got to go!!!!

And I FIRMLY believe 2011 will be YOUR year!!!!