
Happy Friday!

So I survived the interview yesterday!  It was really pretty great actually and even if I don't get called back for third rounds, I feel good about how I presented myself and the admiration and respect that the people I met with had for me and my background.  I am not one to brag about myself at all which I think is why interviews are difficult for me, but I definitely know my stuff in this world and was able to articulate it well I think. 

The "boss" of this position seemed awesome!  She was very down to earth, has two little girls so understands the work/life balance needs, and is more in my working style with planning ahead and checking things off the list to get them done.  She also doesn't like to micromanage people and is really looking for someone who will be a team player and help to drive some change.  I really think we "clicked" and I'm hoping she thought so too.  She introduced me to the other members of the team afterwards which I thought was a good sign as well, but who knows.  The other person I met with was the HR leader of the group that this position hires into and she seemed really great too.  She gave me hope as well because she said that she has been able to try out 4 different positions in the 6 years she has been there and is the type of person who likes to get in to a job, learn it, improve it, and move forward, and I think that's a little bit how I am as well.  So it was encouraging to hear that they are at least "open" to that possibility unlike here where it is groundhogs day for eternity.

Pros: Really liked the people, the boss seems WAY better, there is a support staff of two additional people to help, I would have less crazy responsibility for a million and one things and would have the ability to concentrate more deeply on building relationships with the students and internal recruiters, possible career development opportunities available, supportive of continuing education, seem pretty flexible on hours and I read online (though they didn't mention it so maybe it doesn't apply to all staff) that they do flexible fridays during the summer where from Memorial Day to Labor Day you can work 9/80 and have every other Friday off!, better title
Cons: The office environment is a little more stuffy looking although it seems like the people are fun and they still do fun events and things.  The office location is farther from home BUT our office is scheduled to move there or near there next year anyways and this office at least is on the side where I might POSSIBLY be able to take the train.  The benefits are not quite as good on the insurance side (higher deductible, copays, percentage of responsibility, etc.), but we have ridiculously good insurance here (part of the reason I'm scared to leave) so I don't know if I will ever find something this good again and this potential position has better insurance than most. 
Neutral: It is very similar to what I'm doing now so I would have to prove myself for a few years probably before I could be considered for advancement.

So we shall see.  Next step would be to go back (should hear by early next week I'm hoping) and meet with some of the partners involved in the department.  And then it is offer time.  So we shall see how this all works out.  I also have a call set up next week with someone at my current job about a global job (which I'm not really qualified for but asked the manager about it and career advice in general at our company) and am looking forward to at least hearing what she has to say.  I at least had a positive experience with this interview, and for that I'm glad because it made me feel better about the world and my options in it!  :)  And now I'm excited to get to enjoy the weekend with my guys!  Hope you all have a great one and fingers crossed that whatever is meant to be happens soon! 

1 comment:

Teagan B. Sawyer said...

Yea!!! I'm so excited for you. What great news :) It sounds like great change is on your horizon. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. xo