

I am sitting in my hotel room in a city south of my own and I've been working all night and now need to go to sleep because we have an early start to the day tomorrow morning.  But I decided it was time to stop neglecting this thing and at least put an update.  I miss my buddies more than I can imagine and have to sleep 3 nights before I get to see them again on Thursday evening, but then it will almost be the weekend at least!  :) 

We had a fabulous weekend this past weekend.  We made it extra special because we knew I was going to be out of town most of the week.  Hubby and I went to the movies (finally!) to see "Crazy Stupid Love" which was great at a matinee and then we picked up our son and went to dinner and then took him bowling for the first time.  He got frustrated, but he had fun!  Then Sunday, we went out to the balloon festival nearby.  They didn't launch the balloons due to weather (we finally got rain this weekend!) but we still had fun!  :) 

Enough about that - I'm sure you are wondering about my last few posts.  Let's see...the one I wrote about last, I did get called back for a final round of interviews with them.  I met with two of the partners....and was really disappointed.  I guess they were equally disappointed because that was 2.5 weeks ago and I NEVER HEARD BACK!!!  What is up with companies being so rude?  I took off two different time periods to interview with them, and was in the final round with I think only one other person.  You'd think the least they could do is e-mail me back and say "no thanks."  Even though I didn't want the job, I sent an e-mail about a week after the interviews to "check in" and still didn't hear anything.  Crazy!

I have done a lot of other phone interviews since then.  I even did some more in-person interviews and lo and behold I even received an offer last Friday.  I was pretty excited about it until I opened the documents and saw the benefits.  I know I won't get the same benefits somewhere else as what I have here, but these are truly two ends of the spectrum and were REALLY bad across the board from insurance deductibles to vacation days to sick time.  Ugh!  So I called today and left a voicemail (I know bad, but I didn't have a choice - will follow up with an e-mail I think) and declined the offer.  Back to the drawing board!  I am really proud of getting the offer and that gave me a good little boost.  Too bad it didn't work out!!!

I have either declined extra rounds for jobs I don't really like or finished most of the others except for one that I have another phone interview for this Wednesday.  We'll see about that one, but I'm a little skeptical these days.  So now I'm trying to figure out how the heck I can tolerate my current situation because in reality there are a lot of things I do like about it (even though I don't want to admit it).  I just wish there were more career opportunities & recognition and I really wish I didn't have to report to my boss.  But I"m thinking my best bet might be to talk to my other supervisors about possibly taking some more classes and getting a masters degree (with some company sponsorship I hope!) just to occupy my time and keep me learning.  Tossing around the idea and talking to one school admissions counselor later this week as well as attending a "virtual open house" next week too...so we shall see.

I need to get some rest so I'm going to have to sign off for now but will try to write more this week when I'm hanging around.  :)  Hope you all are great and I will keep trying to find the positives more often! 

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