
I'm starting to think I just need to give up

I guess I really just need to stop complaining and give up caring.  Because that seems to be my only option left.  My parents, my in-laws, and even my husband think I need to be more "grateful" for the job I have and that I just need to stick it out.  It makes me want to scream!!!!  I didn't work my ass off in high school and college and for all of these years to just be grateful for the fact that I'm getting taken advantage of by my company and sit around treading water.  I can't even fathom sitting in this same spot for another 5 years.  Are you kidding me?!  Something has to give so I guess it's going to have to be me.

I'm just going to have to not care.  Come to work by 8:30 and leave at 5:30.  Anything that can't get done in those hours, I can't stress about.  If my performance/service isn't as good, so be it and I guess it doesn't really matter because even when I work my ass off it gets me nowhere.  It's a terrible attitude to have but I don't know what else to do.  I am STUCK because of benefits, because it's an otherwise good place to work (other than getting jipped on $$ and career path). 

We had a meeting yesterday saying that we will all likely get a 3% raise this year (our reviews are in the beginning of April).  3%?!  In 2009, we got 0% because of the economy, last year everyone else got 2% (when I got -5% due to losing my OT), and now this year 3%.  So not only will that not even cover the amount I LOST last year (so now I will make less in 2010 & 2011 than I did in 2008 & 2009 and no I didn't lose my job or get demoted - I actually got PROMOTED), but it also will probably not even cover the cost of living increases since the last time I got a raise in 2008 nor the enormous gas bill I now have every week from gas prices being through the roof.  Oh and let's not even get into the fact that I'm fairly certain they are going to move our freaking office even further away from where I live in the next year or so!!!!

But I should just be grateful.  I probably sound like a spoiled brat because I am grateful to have a job and to make money and to have stability.  But because I have those things, I should just lie down and sit in misery?  I don't work the hours I do, give up the time and travel away from my family and my son that I do, or give up my weekends during the summer that I do or even deal with the stress that I have to deal with in my job on a daily basis for NOTHING.  Oh and let's not even talk about the time I have given up on my VACATIONS, or when I was SICK, or even when I was on MEDICAL LEAVE, and I still had to work my ass off.  If I'm going to sacrifice, it needs to be for a reason.  A real promotion or extra money, not out of the goodness of my heart because I need to be grateful. 

So I guess I'm just going to give up and keep taking it up the tailpipe until I'm allowed to be ungrateful again!

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