

This morning I took our son to the pediatrician for his 5 year old checkup.  He was so excited to go because he knew he wouldn't need any shots and just was ready to be a big boy!  Everything was going smoothly until his doctor had him bend over and touch his toes and noticed a slight curve to his back.  He asked us to go over to the imaging center and get an xray of his spine just to check and make sure he didn't have scoliosis.  Scoliosis?  It hit me like a ton of bricks - how could he have scoliosis? 

He said it might just be the way his ribs grew to his spine or something and not to worry, but I am a mom and I'm worried.  We sat for an hour waiting for the 5 minute xray and it's done now and I'm at work but waiting waiting waiting for the doctor to call this afternoon to tell us the results.  Did I mention how much I hate waiting?!  They pulled the xray up to show our son and he was so excited to see his bones, and I did notice a slight curve when I looked at it but I don't know what to look for.  I called my dad who was a pediatrician for nearly 30 years and he said not to worry and that he would be surprised if he had it so young and even if he did, it was easily treatable at this age.  But I'm scared. 

We are so excited about his new school and him turning 5 and everything else and now one day later, I am worried about what will happen if he has to have surgery or wear a brace all the time or a number of things.  I'm praying and hoping that I am just worried for nothing and it is just something we can watch and that it will correct itself as he grows.  But I'm scared.  So I'm posting because I don't know what else to do and I don't want to start crying at my desk at work.  I know it will be okay.  I just need time to pass by more quickly!

In positive news, he is doing great otherwise - hearing and vision were great, he is 4 feet tall already(!), and very healthy.  We might take him to do a little speech therapy just to make sure he talks a little slower and more clearly (I think I talk pretty fast too so he probably imitates me!), but that's not a big deal at all and is more a preventative than a necessity.  I just hope that this xray business was just for nothing this morning too.  Please let us get good news this afternoon!

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