

Yesterday morning, I woke up refreshed and decided I needed an attitude adjustment and that I just needed to let things take their course and that everything happens for a reason.  It isn't easy for me to do because I'm a PLANNER by nature, but I need to let go and let live and just do the best I can with what we have and be thankful for that. 

Yesterday around mid-day, I got an e-mail saying that our son had been approved for admission to our 1st choice elementary school.  This was such a relief!   We had really struggled about where to send him for kindergarten this fall because of money and multiple factors.  We really wanted to send him to private school, but we just can't afford it right now, so our plan was to find an alternative for elementary because we had more options for elementary, and then by the time he hits middle school, we will either hopefully make more money/save more money to send him for middle & high school and/or move to a better school district at those levels.

We did a lottery for a charter school in the area, but he was #3 on the waiting list and we haven't heard anything further.  Plus, I'm a little worried because it is located by my work which is convenient now, but if I ever change jobs or even if I stay, our office plans to move towards the downtown/uptown area by 2012 so it might be tough on all of us to have him have to commute as well.  So then we started looking at options in our school district.  The school we are directly assigned to is okay but its ratings have been slipping and I wanted to see what other options there might be.  I found out our school district allows you to apply for intradistrict transfers, so I chose the best school that was not too far from our house and applied.  And yesterday, I found out he got in!  I couldn't be happier, and he will now be a "Gator" for his mascot which makes me happy since I'm originally from Florida!  :)

So yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day and I know that He will provide for us when we need it - just need to keep myself more positive!  Of course this morning, I woke up to the news about the horrible earthquake and tsunamis and it gave me even more perspective.  I felt like a complete @$$ for complaining about my job.  Life sure has ways of reminding you to make the most of each day and don't taking anything for granted because it can change so quickly.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan as well as those in Hawaii and the west coast although it seems like they have dodged a bullet some.  We will see still I guess! 

I am excited for the weekend because we have lots of fun activities planned to celebrate our son's 5th birthday on Monday and lots to do to get ready for our vacation in a week!  I can't wait to have some time off!  :)

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