
I'm Back!

I can honestly say that this is the first trip in a REALLY long time where I actually enjoyed myself 100% and had a true vacation.  It was so wonderful not thinking about the bs of life on a daily basis.  I didn't worry about money or work or Cooper's school or any of the things that cause me stress on a daily basis.  I just enjoyed time with my two guys and my family and it was great.  We relaxed most days going shopping and then to the beach and pool, and the weather was awesome every day except for Friday which is pretty great!  I wish every vacation and day could be so carefree and fun. 

Of course, we got home on Saturday night and were slapped with reality on Sunday with cold, rainy weather, Austin injuring himself a bit (luckily just a minor sprain of his calf) on his half marathon, and the $$$!!! bill at the pet hotel from putting the dog up for the week we were gone.  Oh and then grocery bills at the store and Sam's...and now this morning back to the craziness that I call work. 

I tried not to think about work much while I was gone and it was nice as it has been consuming my life in many ways lately.  Of course, I have come right back to the time which will be rough as I will be likely getting my review and piddly raise sometime in the next two weeks.  Also, I'm just not sure what to do and I hate this helpless feeling.  I don't think I'm being treated fairly here and have no opportunities for advancement and have an annoying boss who doesn't care about my career at all and lets the whole office steamroll us without ever pushing back.  And yet I have some of the best benefits you can imagine with our insurance and vacation and things which will be hard to find somewhere else and are very important to our family with my hubby's Type 1 diabetes and my endometriosis.  It just sucks to be stuck.  I would be fine if there was something here that I can move into or some change I could consider, but as of right now, there is nothing.  So I either have to just deal or try to find something else which is equally as good and will probably take forever to find.  What a mess!  

The weather is kind of crappy here this week, but I'm looking forward to this weekend as I get to meet up with Allison & the Architect for dinner on Friday night and some other friends on Saturday night.  Lots of laundry to do too but it was worth it for the fun we had last week!  :)  

I need some motivation.  I wonder what classes I could take and get the company to cover this year!  :) 


Miranda said...

*sigh* I need a vacation so bad. lol

It sucks to be not be appreciated at work. Just focus on the vacation. :)

Liz said...

Glad you had a great vacation. I really do hope that something better comes along for you soon.

Have a great dinner with Allison & the Architect. I could have sat talking to her forever & forever. She is such a fun, loving person!

Teagan B. Sawyer said...

Sounds like a great vacation. Have fun with those two at dinner I know it will be fabulous! xo