

All day I have felt restless. It's probably because of the fact that I have a million and one things bouncing around my brain right now!  And the fact that I just had a vacation not too long ago, a three day weekend last weekend, and another three day weekend coming up for a wedding this weekend.  Two nights from now, we will be heading to Austin for the festivities to begin. 

This week I am preparing for my intern group to arrive.  Our first meeting will be this Sunday night where I will get to enjoy a good dinner with them, but it will be my first real time of having to do extra "work" without the benefit of OT/DT to sweeten the deal.  I'm not looking forward to "working for free" this summer, but it is what it is.  I feel pretty good about having prepared most of it ahead of time, so I'm not too stressed about being out on Friday before they arrive.

At the wedding this weekend, I am not only the matron of honor but I am also doing all of the flowers for the wedding. I'm really excited about doing the flowers and a little nervous too.  I went this weekend and got all of the little extras I needed (floral tape, floral clay, foam balls, etc.).  I can't wait for it to be done and hopefully look awesome so I can take lots of pictures to be proud of.  It will be a great way for me to express my creativity so I'm really excited to see my vision be a reality.  Now if I can just get through Friday and the ceremony, then I can really enjoy the reception!

This weekend, I received an e-mail through Linked!n regarding a position similar to mine with another firm similar to mine.  I think the reputation of my firm is better, but I e-mailed back to just get some more details including the salary range they were considering for the position.  Unfortunately, it's about the same as what I am making now, although they are only requiring 2 years of experience and I have 5!  It would have been nice to be making this much 3 years ago!  I have to believe that one of these days, someone out there is going to see my true worth and give me a position that will challenge me and give me the money and benefits I deserve.

In the meantime, I will continue my classes (finished the first one this weekend - woohoo!) and work hard here to see what happens.  I have given up on a real future here even though it makes me want to cry to even think about having to leave, but I am probably going to need to stick around until the end of the year/beginning of the new year in order to get all of my classes completed and paid for by the company.  I remain hopeful for my big break - I know they are out there because I have examples of them nearby through friends and former coworkers.  I just need my turn!  :)

Guess that's all for now - I will probably try to leave in about an hour so I can at least be at home and read or something to try to relax my brain a bit since it's on overdrive with all of this right now.  I need to take things one day at a time and just be thankful for what I have right now - but I can still continue to push myself for even more because I know I can get it and I know I deserve it. 

This past weekend was pretty fabulous as was our vacation so I'm looking forward to more good days ahead!  :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Architect said...

Oooh, you MUST post pics of the flowers!!!! I can't wait to see them!!!

And yes, I agree that "something better" with everything you want and need is just ahead!!! I can't wait to find out what it is! :o)