
Open door?

So remember a few weeks ago when I said a recruiter contacted me about a position but I thought it wasn't going to work out?  So it's quite possible that it's headed in a good direction now.  The thing that makes me feel really good about even considering it is 1) they are pursuing me and 2) I have been pretty honest about my expectations from a job and what I don't like about my current one vs what I want from a new one and they still like me and are wanting to talk to me.  So...we'll see where this open door leads.  It may be nowhere and I may find out that it isn't going to work out, but it's fun to have the possibility.

For the past few weeks, I have really felt that my position here has been so meaningless.  I am basically a glorified admin person due to the fact that my boss can't handle me having any sort of responsibility.  It is so frustrating because I have no idea why I got promoted if I'm going to do less meaningful work, but whatever.  If only I could keep my hours in check to make it worth my while!  ;)

Here are the positives so far from what I've heard about this other opportunity - more decision-making power, more of a chance to be an "expert" for the offices/schools I would be handling, more opportunity to work on internal projects that matter to the North American group as a whole, not to mention the fact that it would only be two schools (I now manage SEVEN) so I would imagine the travel would be less, and it seems like there might be opportunity to work from home which would be GREAT considering my son will be starting kindergarten next year and it would help to have a little more flexibility.  So we'll see what happens, but I'm feeling like there might be something promising here.  And if not, there have to be other options out there - I just don't know how much longer I can take the situation I am in now.  It's become unbearable, is causing me to have panic attacks in the middle of the night occasionally, and is generally causing me too much stress and sadness. 

I've decided that my 31st year of life will be an amazing one and since it starts tomorrow, I'm hoping my birthday wishes all come true and that I hear back soon about seeing where this open door might lead.  :)

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