
Sleepy Day

Last night, I didn't get very much sleep at all.  I went to bed at a pretty decent time, but first I had a hard time falling asleep.  I read for a little while, then got on the computer for a little while, and then finally when the sleep timer went off, I decided I would try to sleep.  My husband fell asleep before me (which RARELY happens), and he had a cold from the weather changing so he was miserable all night.  He then proceeded to make me miserable in turn all night by tossing and turning and moaning and complaining about how he didn't feel well.  I swear, men are the biggest wimps when it comes to being sick.  They get a little cold and they act like the world is ending.  At least it's supposed to start warming up today, and hopefully the warm weather will stick around this time.

I have had a hard time motivating myself at work lately.  There are a lot of factors to this.  One is the fact that we aren't all that busy this time of year, so it is really hard for me to focus on the few things I do need to get done because they aren't pressing.  Second is the fact that my boss, despite telling us she didn't want to do this any more, is micromanaging random things again, so even if I want to get stuff done, I need to wait for like 5 other people's approval before a decision can be made and she doesn't even present that decision to be made until the last minute because she is a procrastinator.  So I figure I can't get it done anyways, might as well not do it right now.  So I sit and wait A LOT waiting for her to get back to me on things.  Good times!

Additionally, we are about to have our reviews sometime in the first week of April, so things are kind of teeter-tottering at this point.  I have NO idea how the review will go because last year I wasn't expecting the goofiness that I got, so I have no expectations this year.  Also, I am curious to see how things will go with my boss' reallocation which was already instated and how that will fare for the future after her own review.  Things could get interesting around here in the next few weeks.  I also have requested tuition reimbursement on a series of 3 classes to get a masters certificate.  I am waiting patiently to hear back, but am hoping to hear something today or tomorrow as the classes start next Thursday and I need to get the materials ordered and here on time.  There is no reason that they shouldn't cover them because I have been an employee here for 4.5 years and never asked for tuition reimbursement before, plus they are related to my job and will help make me more valuable and knowledgeable.  So I don't know what the hold-up is but hopefully that will get approved later today and I can get registered for that.

Overall, this is a very boring post, but I wanted to update the world (not that anyone really reads - ha) on my current situation....hopefully I will get out of a rut one of these days.  I'm ready for bigger and better things - I'm ready to show the world how great I can be if someone can just give me the chance.  Until then, I will sit back and try my hardest and keep pushing myself so that maybe my wish will come true!

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