
Going back to school!

Woohoo!  After much waiting and complaining and worrying, they have approved my tuition reimbursement to take my masters certificate classes.  :)  So by October, I will have completed all three and can study to take the PHR in December/January.  I'm looking forward to this next step in my journey.  I hope it's not too overwhelming or hard, but yet challenging.  I think that no matter what, it will give me the chance to explore other opportunities in my field in case I want to stay within the area but in a different type of role in the future as well as add something to my resume.  And the best part is that it's free because the company is paying for it 100%.  It's about time that I get something great out of the deal!  Ha!  :)  My son also had a GREAT 4-year-old checkup this morning and had a great day at school afterwards, and I also found out that his teacher has been asked to move up to PreK5 next year, so he may get to have her again in the fall!  I hope it all works out - today has been a good day (other than my hubby's whining about his sore throat - ha!). 

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