

Since my surgery in January, I have really needed the motivation to work out since my stomach is all fluffy and poochy and not bathing suit ready.  It's tough because I had to take 6 weeks off post surgery and was busy with work, etc.  And then of course I ate and drank way more than usual on vacation last week (oops!) ;)  But I am trying to motivate myself to get active because it will help with my health, my confidence, and my looks. 

After reading a posting by Outside Oklahoma, I checked out the Couch to 5K training program online.  Now my hubby is obviously good at running and enjoys it.  He just finished his 3rd half-marathon this weekend and runs about 5 miles about 5 times a week.  I don't want to be like that nor do I think I will ever do a half marathon.  But a 5k is doable and would give me the start to run a bit each day.  Each session is only 20-30 minutes long which is definitely possible, so I started the first session of the first week this morning and I SURVIVED!  Hopefully, I can be like GFF and run my own 5K soon!  And if nothing else, it will give me some good workouts 3 days a week. 

I've also been doing videos with some friends at work 2 times per week.  We start around 5:30 in the big conference room in the back and work out for 30-60 minutes to a workout video.  It is pretty cool because we are accountable to each other to attend and also can b!tch and moan together while it is going on!  :)  I am definitely grateful for the friendships I have made here at work if for nothing else and they are additional motivation for me to get back in shape.  

Last week, I wore a 2 piece tankini bathing suit the whole week which didn't look terrible but it's old and not my favorite.  But I refuse to buy another tankini because I really want to fit back into my regular bikinis by swimsuit season.  So here's hoping this motivation for running and videos will help me make it!


Liz said...

I did the C25K this summer/fall & loved it! The first couple of weeks were the hardest, but then I really got into it & looked forward to my runs. I stopped when the weather got cold/dark early. I'd like to say I'm going to start back up again soon, but being pregnant, I know I won't right now. I will definitely be running again this time next year though!

Teagan B. Sawyer said...

Wow great job you! Can't wait to hear how it goes :)

Pink Sun Drops said...

Came to check on you and see how you're doing with the Couch-to-5k. I had to stop mine as it was too soon with my back issues right now. Can't wait for them to resolve because I CAN'T WAIT to get back out there!

AnEarly30 said...

Pinksundrops - I am so sorry to hear about your pain and I'm sure you will be back at it in no time. It's good to take your time and heal - there is always time to get back into it later. I tried to comment on your blog earlier but it won't let me right now, but I will try again but wanted to let you know :)