

Today started out bad.  It took me an hour and a half to get to work this morning and it was slow and rainy and cold (boo!).  Someone also tried to kill me by braking to turn at the last minute and thank God I have a newish car with good brakes and traction control!  I finally made it in, and as I am walking into the office, I was checking e-mails on my blackberry and come across one saying they are taking away our corporate purchasing cards.  So that means all of the money I spend on events and catering and all kinds of other things will now be floated on my own personal credit card.  Shoot me!  That's a whole lot of money to be floating for my company (average bill is anywhere from $5000 to $15000 per month!).  I guess I will try to look at the bright side of getting lots of points!  ;)

Then I got an e-mail last night on my drive home from the manager for that position I was interviewing for.  She asked if I had time for a call today.  I pretty much realized then that meant I wasn't getting the job, so I had prepared myself.  I just had the call about 30 minutes ago and sure enough, they chose someone else.  What a day!!!  One of my friends in marketing said that she thinks they will be hiring a regional alumni person soon so maybe I can apply for that.  I hope so because I need something to change soon. 

I promised to not be as negative, but I really feel like I deserve to be treated more fairly.  I am a hard worker and give my all, I have book and street smarts, and I have natural leadership abilities.  And yet somehow, it isn't recognized or rewarded...  :(  So if anyone knows of an awesome company out there who is looking for a great worker in the event planning or recruiting or HR fields, let me know.  :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Architect said...

Everyone has a bad day every now and then, and its so awesome to have a place like this to vent it!! :o)