
Where am I?

I have like zero time to write this but I'm going to anyways because I've been neglecting again and I don't want to lose the very few readers I have!  :)  Here is the quick update:

-I have been getting absolutely 100% killed at work.  I broke down in tears one day a few weeks ago because it's just so overwhelming sometimes (and I was PMSing!) and I feel like no matter what I do it's never enough.  The good thing is that the days fly by quickly, but the bad thing is that I still feel like there is never enough time to get everything done.  After the next two weeks, things should slow down slightly before my big weekend in November.  Let's hope I can make it!
-As a result of above, I have been having more anxiety and panic attacks and symptoms.  It sucks.  No job should do this to your body, but this one does.  I have gotten really good at counting in my head (sounds crazy I know), praying, meditating, and trying to envision my fears/problems going away from me on a conveyor belt.  So strange that I'm even typing this because it doesn't feel like me, but it has become a part of my reality.  I hope it stays dormant again soon.
-On the job front, I made it to the 2nd round of interviews with the position within my company!  I'm so excited!  :)  I was asked to send my last two reviews in a few weeks ago and then last week they asked me to conduct another round of scenario style interviews.  I'm a little nervous for that, but luckily I don't really have too much time to think about it!  Those interviews are next Monday, and I'm hoping I make it through those to the last round which will be a call with the global head of the department who sits in London.  Keep your fingers crossed!
-In my current position, I am at least being recognized nationally, as I was chosen on Friday as the trainer for the new system we are rolling out next year.  I was picked as the trainer for all of North America for people who do my job.  So now when can I get the paycheck, hours, and recognition that really should come along with all of that?  Clearly people recognize what I do, but I just can't get the formality of making it further.  Something's gotta give one of these days!  At least if I don't get this other position, or if something falls through, I can look forward to this which will involve training in Boston in May and June. 
-Life is good at home.  Love my son so much and my hubby too!  We had a WONDERFUL anniversary including massage and pedicure, amazing dinner at Tillman's Roadhouse (if you live in the area you must try it - they have one in Dallas and one in Ft. Worth which is where we went), and an evening in a nice hotel downtown. Even though I stay in hotels all the time for work, it was nice to have my hubby there with me and have an evening for just the two of us away from it all - even if it was only 15 miles or so from our house! 
-That's all I have time for and that takes care of the main things!  I hope to come back with good news soon!

1 comment:

Mrs. Architect said...

- Sorry about your anxiety...as you know, I definitely can empathize. I've never heard of the counting or conveyor belt imaging and I love it! I definitely have used and will continue to when mine arises. Hope yours goes away ASAP!
- I've never heard of that restaurant! I went to their website and I can't wait to try it! The chicken fried hangar steak looks and sounds deeeelish!!!