

Sometimes I get so frustrated about things that it makes me want to cry.  Luckily today is not one of those days, but it could have been yesterday.  I don't know it's due to my anxiety or I'm just a perfectionist or what is going on, but lately I have been stressing about money.  I don't really have a good reason to be - hubby and I both have jobs that pay fairly well and are secure, and we have a nice house and 2 nice cars and are definitely not living a bad life in any way.  But I still get stressed because I want to be paying down debt or putting away money into savings, and we aren't able to do any of those things.  We are able to make our bills, have a little bit of extra spending here and there, and that's about it.  I know next year depending on what we do with our son for kindergarten, we will hopefully have some extra $$ back from daycare/preschool expenses.  But that won't be until next August at the earliest.

I think the thing that gets me the most is that here I am busting my butt day in and day out at work and traveling all over this country, and for what?  I'm not getting the overtime and doubletime any more which helped us save a little extra here and there.  I'm not even going to make in salary this year what I made with salary and extra last year even though I got promoted.  It's a crock.  Hubby just got a little raise about 2 months ago which has helped tremendously, but then why does it feel like it's never enough? 

I know this sounds super whiny because there are many people out there right now who don't have jobs and have had to give up their houses or cars or whatever to make ends meet.  And we are nowhere near that so I should probably just shut up.  But I still worry because I don't want to get to that place ever.  I keep hoping and praying that something great will come along for us and the economy will get better and we'll get better about managing our money.  We are working on it and trying to buy less "prizes" for our son and stick to the necessities for a little while so we can save up a bit for Christmas presents.  But it sucks and it frustrates me.

Here's hoping tomorrow's interview goes well and I'm one step closer to a solution to ALL of this!