
One down, one to go (for 1st rounds at least!)

I spent 45 minutes yesterday in one of the most difficult interviews I've ever had.  Not because the manager was super mean or difficult or anything - just because she asked some really thought-provoking questions that I had to quickly think on my feet to solve.  I think I did really well though so I'm proud of myself because I know that no matter what, I gave it a great effort.  I have a call on Monday with the other project leader for this position, so we'll see what she has to say.  Then they will debrief and let me know if I made it to round 2.  I'm really hoping this all works out.  If it doesn't though, I"m trying to convince myself that it's only because something better is headed my way and now is not the time.  But hopefully it will all work out and give me another great opportunity while getting to stay in the same company!  Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Mrs. Architect said...

Fingers crossed!! Glad to hear it went well, and remember, no matter what - you did GREAT!!