

I am currently sitting in the career center of one of the schools I manage, and I'm trying my hardest to stay awake.  I had a 7 am flight this morning, and I was planning on being fast and getting up at 5 to leave by 5:30, but I think out of fear of oversleeping or who knows what, I woke up about 4:15 and then didn't have time to fall back asleep.  So frustrating!  Needless to say, I could now fall asleep at this table and sleep for hours!  At least we only have an hour more here to go, a quick debrief, and then back to the airport to catch my flight home.  Of course when I get home, I still have e-mails that have to go out tonight, but I won't think about that until after I hopefully catch a quick cat nap on the flight back!  ;) 

Things are looking up around here lately.  My second 1st round interview yesterday went really well I think.  I really clicked with the person who was interviewing me, who would also be a part of the team I will hopefully work on, and overall I was satisfied with my performance.  No regrets!  I should hear later this week if I made it to the 2nd round or not.  Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!  :)  I also got an e-mail yesterday from one of the colleges in the area near I live that I had made it from the 80 applicants down to the final 15 for an Associate Director position in their career center.  I was thrilled because I applied completely on a whim, and they wanted someone ideally with an MBA.  They asked me to fill out about 10 pre-screening questions about my experiences, work style, and things like that, and then are supposed to narrow it down to 5 candidates to bring in for interviews.  I should hear something on that as well in the next week.  I don't know if I would take it/get it in the end, but it's awesome to be considered and boosts my self confidence to know there are options out there.  Here's hoping one of the two works out and soon because this traveling and crazy hours and my boss issues and everything else are really adding weight to my shoulders and I'm ready to have some time back for me! 

Okay well I will stop boring you with my life for now and try to make it awake for another hour before we go!  I'm really excited because my husband and I's 6 year anniversary is coming up soon (and it's the first time it's on a Saturday since we got married), so we are going to get massages and pedicures and stay at a hotel downtown and have a nice dinner and I can't wait!  We really shouldn't be spending the extra $$, but every now and then you just have to do these nice things for yourself especially when we have both been through a lot with work lately.  11 more days until pampering and relaxation!

1 comment:

Mrs. Architect said...

Heck yeah, you should be SUPER proud of getting as far as you have in th interview process!! That's AWESOME!!!

Can't wait to hear about yalls anniversary weekend!!! Sounds like a FABULOUS weekend planned! Congrats on 6 years!!