
The Poop Hit the Fan and Now I'm Cleaning up the Mess!

So I finally got my comp letter and review last week...and let's just say it was worst than I expected.  I did get the promotion as I suspected, but the terms were awful because I will be making LESS money with my promotion than I did last year.  It sucks but I'm dealing.  I started a new workout schedule in the mornings this week to help manage everything between work, school, family, etc.  It is working and makes me more positive and awake throughout the day.  I have been talking to people at work about it and trying to figure out what to do and if anything can be changed.  I'm gathering data on the hours I worked for the past few years and making a list of the additional responsibilities I will have over the next year.  My boss isn't being helpful at all (when I asked her about it last Friday she told me she would find out more information and I haven't heard a peep from her), but I have other people on my side.  EDITED: While I have other people on my side, they are started to become defeated by my boss and the powers that be and I don't think anything will be done to change things around here.  So frustrating and sad at the same time! 

On the positive side, I'm doing well in my class and have scheduled my professional exam for the end of June (was going to wait until December-January) so I can get that done and out of the way.  So by the end of October I will be done with all of my school, can get reimbursed by my company, and then if in December or the new year something else great comes along, I will definitely be open to it!  I know the people here think I do a really good job and would be freaked out if I was to leave, so I'm holding on to that for the next year until I can figure out my next move.  :)  I'm proud of myself for dealing with this the way I am and hope I can continue to be strong and take the steps I need to take.


I am slowing going crazy....1,2,3,4,5,6 switch!

When I was little, we had this silly song that we used to sing in music class that has always stuck in my head for some reason.  And right now I feel like I am slowing going crazy so the song pops into my head several times a day.  Why you may ask?  For a few reasons that I'm about to tell you whether you want me to or not!  The first is that I am extremely bored at this time of year.  I like being busy.  I like being productive.  And right now, I'm not really able to be either.  It's not that busy because this is our "slow" time at work until the summer program starts in June, and I'm not able to be productive because the few things I have to work on need to be run through my boss and she is ignoring my e-mails and is generally doing nothing as well.  Ergo, I can't be productive either.  It is infuriating! 

So I've used the opportunity, even though I feel guilty about it, to do some of my school work on company time.  I wouldn't normally do that, but rather than just sit here and be bored and do nothing all day, at least I'm learning.  And that is one thing that is going well.  I am enjoying my class so far and have found it enlightening and informative which are all good things.  I finished the first module which was scheduled for two weeks in about 5 days including taking the test for that module and scoring 100%!  So I'm happy that I took the steps to get that done.  :)

Another thing that is slowly driving me crazy is the fact that I have yet to have my review (or even to have it scheduled).  Last year at this time, when it didn't even matter because we weren't getting any raises or anything, I had already received my review by this point in time.  This year, I apparently finally got the promotion I should have received!  However, I don't know anything about the terms (it will switch me from non-exempt to exempt) and I found out because the internal people finder says my updated title and my timecard changed on Monday when I submitted from last week.  But did my boss say a word to me?  NO NOT A PEEP!  It is probably the most disrespectful thing she could have done, and I can't wait until the officewide meeting when they will probably announce my promotion and I still won't have received my comp letter or review.  I have no idea when I will get paid again (non-exempt gets paid weekly, exempt is only twice a month) or how much I am now making.  It is just so poor managing it amazes me.

Along with that, I was sort of secretly hoping that they would realize what a poor manager I have and do something about it this review cycle.  But I am feeling fairly confident that I am going to have to continue to deal with this situation for awhile longer.  It makes me want to scream or cry in frustration on an almost daily basis and when it's busy it is very counterproductive to getting work done.  I don't know how I will do it.  I know I can because I have dealt with it for some time now, but it is the one thing that makes my job extra miserable.  I think without that frustrating, stressful situation, I would be happy at work.  I wish this would resolve, and I feel like my patience has been tested long enough.  But I will just keep waiting and hoping for something good to come along!

In addition, I feel helpless for my husband's situation.  His work is driving him nuts and it affects both him and me/our son on an almost daily basis.  For some reason, he is too afraid to even apply to another job, to even see what other options he might have.  I hope he can be brave enough to push his boundaries and take this next step.  I am ready for us both to have a change in this area of our lives so that it can be less crushing on the rest of our lives. 

Here's hoping to good things ahead and that I don't actually go crazy!  j/k  ;)