
Feeling Left Out

My weekend was pretty good although incredibly short. We spent most of Saturday traveling and being in podunk-town for my brother-in-law's college graduation. There is no way I could have spent 5 years in that town (yes, he took a victory lap) for college - let alone grow up there. And now he's trying to convince his parents to take two-three more years there to pursue a master's degree. Yikes! At least the food was good and I found some yummy sweet tea in the convenience store there for the ride home. ;)

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I was thankful to have some time to relax and spend it with my two favorite boys. My husband and son got an appointment for my hubby and I to go get a couples massage next Sunday afternoon (yippee!) and they took me out to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner last night. My in-laws gave me a gift certificate for a facial too so I have that to look forward to whenever I have a chance to book it one of these days. However, my in-laws did something to us yesterday that made me really upset. It made me upset for myself because it was Mother's Day and it clouded my day a little bit, but it made me really upset for my husband and son since it hurts them the most.

My in-laws have always and will always baby my brother-in-law to the point of ridiculousness. He gets whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and no matter what he does wrong or how goofy he acts, they support him 100% and continue to give him everything he wants and more. So his stupid "girlfriend" (they aren't even officially "dating" - don't get me started on that topic) and her family were going to go on a cruise to the Bahamas and the Keys this week and invited my brother-in-law to go along. The next thing we know, my father-in-law and mother-in-law were going as well, but they told us it was only because it was a "free trip" so why not? I agree if someone is going to pay for a nice trip like that for you, you might as well go even though it is kind of an awkward situation because they aren't even really dating and they have only met the other parents one time before at dinner.

Anyways, we were a little hurt that we weren't invited since the rest of the family was going, but we were over it. Until yesterday morning when we had to go over to the in-laws house and watch as the in-laws (father, mother, brother) and the "girlfriend" packed up their stuff for a week of vacation while we had to think about going to work and balancing our work schedules this week to drop off/pick up Cooper from school (my mother-in-law usually does this). It was a bit of a slap in the face as we didn't understand why we had to be sitting there while they were trying to figure out what cameras to take and how to pack their luggage and all of this. We are used to being left out because they do that often, and we thought that it was the "girlfriend's" family's trip so that might be why we weren't even asked to go. As much as we would like to, right now we just can't afford to take another trip like that unless someone offered to pay for it so we understood. Until watching it all happen before our eyes and then finding out that they had misrepresented the situation and that my in-laws were in fact paying for themselves to go.

We are all scheduled to go on a family trip to a local beach area that we go to every year during the first week of August, but were told that this year we would have to cook in a lot and everything to save money. Which we were understanding of...until we realized that they are going off and dropping money on this luxurious vacation that we weren't even invited to but then we are the ones that don't get that treatment even once this year. I shouldn't complain because I know there are a million people who can't take a vacation at all and I'm grateful that we will be able to do what we can. But still....it's kind of mind-blowing to think of the unfair treatment we are all receiving compared to my brother-in-law who can barely keep his head out of his a$s long enough to attend graduation! And my poor son spent most of yesterday and even this morning asking when we could go to the beach since his stupid uncle decided to talk about going to the beach right in front of him yesterday. So annoying!

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