
Things Are Looking Up!

Things are definitely looking up these days.  We have had BEAUTIFUL weather here and I think it makes all the difference in my mood.  Of course, we are supposed to have storms later this week/weekend, but it's okay because we've had a week of great weather!  I have the windows open now enjoying the breeze!  Here's what I'm thankful for right now:

1) We just finished a wonderful weekend with my parents.  We all got along really well and had a lot of fun, and I'm glad they were able to come and be part of our son's PreK graduation (too cute!).  I am also very thankful because they helped us purchase our son's new bedroom furniture (now need to sell the old furniture to get some $$ for new paint and bedding!) and also bought me some new clothes for work so I will be styling when I go back to Boston at the end of the month for my training sessions.

2) If we can get ourselves motivated by this new furniture arrival, we can get our house back in order and start making fun additions to the house.  My next big wish is some new flooring - not sure if/when that can happen, but I'm hoping maybe by Christmas/the new year if we can find an option where we can make payments with no interest!

3) There is a SMALL chance that something at work might open up soon in my favor.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up at all because at this point it's just a rumor and I'm not even sure if they would actually be cool enough to consider me for it (even though I'm quite qualified).  But I heard yesterday that the HR manager (who actually isn't all that great at her job to begin with) has fallen in love with some guy in another city down south and is talking about moving soon to be with him.  Since we don't have an office in that city, she would obviously have to leave the company, but apparently she claims the reason she is out sick all of the time is due to stress at work.  It is a stressful environment but I think some people are more equipped to handle it than others.  I am just praying that she does decide to move and then that I can land the job!!!!  Maybe this is what the plan has been for me all along?!  Only time will tell...keep your fingers crossed!

4) The Dallas Mavs are in the Western Conference championships starting tonight, and I just found out that we got free tickets to go from hubby's work!  I'm excited!  Originally we thought we only had 2 so hubby and son were going to go but now we have 4 so I get to go too.  I will be sleepy tomorrow but it will be worth it!!! 

Hope you all are doing well and hope I can keep up my positive attitude.  Ready for things to keep progressing!  Next to-dos are to start exploring churches and keep working on the house!  Life is good!


Things I Have Learned So Far This Week

1) I miss my son and husband more than I thought possible. These past three weeks of chaos and travel are starting to take their toll and I can't wait to be home this weekend and for the next two weeks at least!
2) Watching TV in real time is for the birds (miss my DVR!).
3) "True Grit" is a pretty good movie (the new one - never have seen the old one) and I'm thankful to have a movie on this flight since it's so long and I was by myself!
4) Traveling is much more fun when you have someone with you.
5) I am so thankful I live in the south - it's cold up here still - it's mid-May people!!!
6) My intuition about people is usually spot on
7) When you get a feeling something is wrong with one of your friends, you should definitely try to contact them to make sure everything is okay - there's usually a reason you feel this way.
8) I work WAY too hard and sacrifice WAY too much for the treatment I receive my immediate boss and the $$ I make.
9) Some things will never change - no matter how much I try to be positive at times about things at work, they continue to let me down over and over.
10) If nothing else this week, I'm benefiting from meeting more people, gaining a new perspective on other's experiences, getting out of the office and away from my boss for the week, and increasing my marketability by learning better presentation skills, more team dynamics, and how to build a major technological application for a global firm.  :)

Hope you all are having a good week - trying to be positive and keep a running list of the "positives" by putting into the perspective of learning!


My beautiful Mother's Day surprise!  Hope you all are having a great day as well!


Travel is my new middle name

I enjoy traveling for pleasure.  I don't particularly enjoy traveling for work (moreso because I miss my hubby and son, than because of the actual travel), but it is okay and I enjoy the miles and points.  :)  However, these next couple of weeks are a bit crazy on the travel front!

Last Thursday morning bright and early, my hubby and I jumped on a plane to Philly for my grandmother's funeral on Friday.  We stayed the weekend with my aunt and uncle and it was nice to have some family time.  Then we came back late Sunday night (cheapest flights are always first thing in the morning and late at night - grr!).  I was at work yesterday and today.  Then I will work from home tomorrow until around lunchtime and then head back to the airport, this time with my son in tow.  He and I will fly to Florida tomorrow for the "celebration of life" on Thursday for my grandmother (it just made sense to do something there since she knew so many people there even though she wanted to be buried in PA, and 5/5 would have been her 104th birthday) and then fly back home on Friday afternoon so we can enjoy one weekend at home together all 3 of us.  Then Monday afternoon I have to fly to Boston for work until Thursday night (don't get in until 8:45 pm!) and my parents fly in that day (already planned before all of this other family stuff obviously) for my son's PreK graduation on Friday evening.  They are in town next weekend from Thursday evening to early Tuesday morning and then we have about 2 weeks to ourselves.  Then on Memorial Day Monday (still bitter about this!), I have to fly BACK to Boston for work from Monday evening to Friday evening, come home and spend Saturday with my hubby and son, and then come back to work on Sunday to get ready for my intern group who starts Monday, including attending a welcome dinner that Sunday evening.  Then I have one weekend to ourselves in between, and then my mom flies out to watch our son and my hubby and his parents and brother are going to Vegas from Friday morning to Sunday evening for my father-in-law's 60th birthday.  Then after that, I am hopeful not to travel again until the fall for work (except we do plan to go to the beach the first week of August but we will drive).  Just thinking about it makes me tired!!!!

So that's my life in a nutshell right now.  I've been swamped at work and at home in between trying to get everything done and figure out what goes where and everything else.  And my mother has been incapable of making any decisions about anything so I've had to make all the decisions about the arrangements from picking the casket and clothes she would wear to be buried in (ugh!) to ordering butterflies for a butterfly memorial release we will do in Florida on Thursday evening.  It's been a whirlwind!  Let's hope I survive...and somewhere amongst all of this, I would love to find my next new opportunity so that I can challenge myself at work and get out from under my evil boss...not sure when that time will come but I'm ready for whenever it is!  :) 

Hope you all are having a less hectic few weeks than I am!!!  Hope to talk to you soon and will try to at least send picture posts occasionally since I finally got my new iPh*ne - hurray!