

So much for blogging more regularly!  ;)  The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of go-go-go!  I have been too busy to post and I still need to learn how to better use this thing through e-mailing in posts or posting photos and things.  Rumor has it that we are going to be allowed to switch to iPhones in the new year at work, and I can't wait so I can get them to purchase one for me.  I think that will make my blogging much better! 

Let's see - after the fun but busy Thanksgiving weekend, we spent the first weekend of December at hubby's holiday party on Saturday and then at the White Rock Marathon on Sunday.  Hubby ran his 2nd half marathon, and I'm so proud of him because he is has type 1 diabetes so this is a huge accomplishment for him.  He is still training so that he can run his 3rd one at the Cowtown Marathon in February (where he ran his first one earlier this year) and try to beat his time this time! 

Last weekend was EVEN MORE BUSY!!!  On Friday, we had our bi-annual volunteer day at work and this year, I led a group at the Ronald McDonald House in Fort Worth.  We had a great time cooking them breakfast and even though we made WAY too much food (they told us to cook for 75 and only about 12 showed!), we had a lot of fun and it was so nice to get out in the community and give back.  Then I ran around that afternoon dropping off the dog at the pet hotel (ps if anyone around DFW knows of better options for dog sitting, I'd love to know - we love the pet hotel but it's way expensive!!!), picking up a few Christmas presents, and packing for our trip the next day. Then hubby got home and we got all dressed up for my company's holiday party which was a black-tie optional Black & White Ball so I curled my hair and did my makeup all fancy and hubby put on his black suit and off we went.  We had a great time at a beautiful venue - great food, lots of fun, date night, etc. but we had to leave early to get our son so we could all get some rest before the next morning.

The next morning we LEFT the house just before 7 am (ouch!) to drive down to Sealy to see hubby's cousin get married.  We had a good road trip, dressed in the bathroom of the church (ha!), and enjoyed the ceremony. Then we drove an hour into Spring where the rest of the evening's festivities were held.  We had a good time but we were exhausted and went to bed early!!!  Then the next morning, we had breakfast at hubby's aunt's house and then headed back home to pick up the dog, go grocery shopping, and I worked on our holiday cards that evening.  Busy busy busy!  

Needless to say, yesterday was a definite Monday and I feel like there is too much to do and not enough time before the holidays, but I also know that somehow it will all get done.  I think I'm going to attempt to cook for the in-laws and us for Christmas Eve so trying to figure out a menu and hope that the house will all come together before next week!  Then I will get some time off after Christmas and New Year's, go back to work for one day, and then be out for two weeks for my surgery.  It's going to be a crazy month or so still but we will make it and things WILL get better in 2011 - I just know it!  :)  

Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season and I really do hope to post more soon!


Mrs. Architect said...

Holy cow!! Yall have been CRAZY busy!!!! It all sounds like such fun and wonderful memories made!!

And if you find that great pet sitting with a great price, LET ME KNOW!!!!!

AnEarly30 said...

You do the same for me - boarding shouldn't be so difficult/expensive! :)