
Missing in action

I admit it - I have been missing in action for way too long.  I am trying to increase readership and yet I go and disappear for over a month.  I hope to start writing more and wanted to get something on the page for now so here are a few things that have happened while I was "gone" from the blogging world:

1) I went on a trip to Alaska with my parents and my husband and son.  I saw some AMAZINGLY beautiful things and had some experiences that I will probably never have again in my lifetime in terms of pure, unadulterated beauty of nature.  But I also had an awakening experience with my parents in realizing that no matter what I do or say or try to do to make things better, my mother is NEVER going to change.  I had thought we were on the right path since things had been going more smoothly for the past year, but I was very sad and disappointed when this trip turned back to the same old same old.  It makes me sad for myself, it makes me sad for my husband, and it especially makes me sad for my son, who has never done anything but been loving and sweet to them and try to get to know them and only has received criticism in return.  Maybe one day I will open this can of worms a little further but for now that is all I am going to say on that subject!  ;)

2) My work has picked up full speed.  Starting on Thursday, I now have to travel for at least 1-3 days every week from now through October 22 (with the exception of the week of 9/27-10/1).  It is going to be brutal, it's going to be long hours with no extra pay, and it's going to be hard on my husband and my son.  I just pray for the strength to get through it and in two months it will be over.  I am going to maintain the most positive attitude I can about it because it is part of my current job and there isn't really any changing that right now.  At least I am earning hotel points and airline miles and can take another fabulous trip (with just my hubby and son this time!) in the future for free.  :) 

3) I have grown as a person in the past month.  I know that seems strange to say but I've really developed my leadership skills and am working on increasing my powers of influence and leadership in my office.  I was elected to represent the administrative staff to the management in helping to "fix" some of the issues that make us question our jobs.  It isn't easy and it's not always fun to say the tough stuff, but I'm learning that there is a way to professionally go about things to get your point across and still maintain your integrity and respect.  I am making my voice be seen and heard - I am making sure people are aware of the things I have accomplished and want to accomplish.  Even though this is not specifically part of my job, I know these skills that I am developing will really help push my career and make my day-to-day work life better, so I am thankful for this opportunity and hope to use it for all that I can to make my life and those around me better.

4) I have one more class left to complete in September & October, and then I will have my Masters Certificate in addition to my professional certification.  I am proud of what I have accomplished over the past 4 months and hope to make more strides to finish this year strong.  I wanted 2010 to be "my year" but I think with the economy and everything else that is still going on in the world, I need to stick to my routine, do the things I can do to make myself better, and see what 2011 brings.  I am happy for my health and that we both have jobs (husband's work did a TON of layoffs last week but he is fine) and that our son is doing well (he just started PreK!).  Life is as good as it can be right now, and I will just continue to work hard, plan ahead, and pray for good things to come when it's time!  :)

That's all I got for now - need to do a little more work before I leave.  Hope to keep up a little better - maybe I can do a road journal!  Ha!  :)


Anonymous said...

welcome back :) I want to see some Alaska pics!!!!

Mrs. Architect said...

Yes, Alaska pics please!!!!

Sorry about your mom. I feel the same way about my sister. I look at some people who have these amazing relationships and my sister and I just aren't close, and never will be. The farther apart we live, the better our relationship. We're just two very different people and never will have "that" kind of relationship.

My mom is far from perfect (as am I!), and we have our ups and downs. And really, it has just been the past couple years that have been up for us. But there are some specific things about my mom regarding the "downs" that took a while for me to get past some resentment I held toward her, that I now look at and learn from. And think, if I'm ever a mom, SHE taught me how to act and handle this situation, because I actually DONT want to be like her at times like those.