
Birthday wish

I just realized that my birthday is a week away.  I'm going to be the big 3-1!  It seems like these days birthdays are just another day especially when I have to work (ugh it's a Tuesday).  Luckily, my hubby is awesome and always tries to make it special.  I don't really have any huge birthday present that I want this year - just a small little things that I don't want to have to go and buy myself because they are more "wants" than "needs." 

So for my birthday this year, I am asking for one wish to be granted.  I wish for inner peace and strength to get through the days ahead and to create many more happy moments.  I am truly blessed in all that I have and I need to be more cognizant of it instead of being mopey!  I have been so overwhelmed lately with everything that is going on that I am just exhausted all of the time and that has to stop.  I need the peace and strength to get through my busy time at my job and to search for the next big thing.  My 31st year is going to be a big one I've determined!  Even though I'm getting older, I am still young at heart and have a lot of life to live ahead - just want to be surrounded by good people and positivity!  I know that I am a strong worker and that I can get where I want to be - I just need to have a little patience and luck and a lot of hard work and I will get there soon enough!  Everything happens for a reason!  :)


Anonymous said...

My bday is coming up and I think I may steal your wish :)

AnEarly30 said...

You definitely should! :)