
So much to write, so little time

Lately, I just haven't felt like I've had any time.  I haven't had time for blogging, I haven't had time for working out, I haven't had time for reading, or me time, or hubby time, and barely any kiddo time.  I just feel like I'm going 100 miles a minute in all directions and trying to keep up.  That may explain why I took a 3 hour nap last Saturday because my body just couldn't do it all any more...too bad I still don't feel rested!!!  ;)

I will try to remember all of the things I've been wanting to blog about, but just couldn't take the time.  So here goes....

-Last Tuesday when I was in Boston, I was walking back to my hotel to get some work done from my room for the afternoon, and I happened to jump on FB on my phone.  And through FB which has to be the absolute most difficult way, I found out that my good friend from high school, the one with the brain tumor who had tried to kill himself last fall I think it was, had died.  The brain cancer had finally taken him.  And no one called me...probably because I haven't been the best friend I could be lately.  Which made me feel even worse.  Because I should have called at least.  Or I should have visited.  The last time we "talked" was by e-mail in May, but I should have made the time to at least pick up the phone.  Because now I can never talk to him again.  And that makes me really really sad.  I was shaking by the time I got on the elevator and up to my room, called our other friend and asked him what happened, and then spent the next hour or so sobbing alone in my room.  I actually cried on and off all that week and still thining about it makes me want to cry.  I was looking through pictures from high school and our wedding, and I just still can't believe he's gone.  It really makes me think about life and how short it can be and how things can change so quickly.  It was only 5 years ago that he got diagnosed, and while that was a long time for him to live with brain cancer, it was way too short to lose him at age 32.  RIP Phil - you will be missed more than you know!
-With the bad news that week, I also got some really great news as well.  On Thursday evening, I was selected for the "Recruiting Excellence Award" for the Americas.  This basically means I was selected as the top recruiter out of all of the North & South American recruiters in our company.  It was a huge honor and I'm excited that I will have a little trophy on my desk and my name up in Boston as well as a nice little bonus in my bank account.  It made me really proud because after all of the b.s. I've been through here at work, it was nice to be finally recognized.  Funny thing is that my boss has still NOT congratulated me even though she was sitting across from me at the table when I received it and numerous other people have congratulated me as soon as they found out.  It's despicable really and makes me really sad/frustrated, but there isn't anything I can do about that and the awesome thing is this is one thing I got 100% on my own and it was out of her control and she can NEVER take it away from me!!!!  Hopefully it will help on my resume if nothing else!
-We had really bad storms a few weeks ago so we had to replace our new fence in addition to the updates we did on our son's room.  I'm thankful that we had the money to do it but annoyed to have to spend it that way!  :)  I'm just glad we didn't have more damage though!!! 
-As I mentioned above, I'm struggling with this time thing.  So I haven't had time to blog/comment as much, and I'm annoyed with blogger because I've had a hard time commenting on other people's blogs.  But please keep reading and know I'm reading yours even if I can't post.  I enjoy reading your comments!
-If anyone has good ideas on how to work in really good exercise in your schedule, let me know ha!  Also, I'm contemplating a masters degree which part of me wants for the satisfaction of learning, but the other part of me knows it's a big cost and I want to know it would actually pay off!  I am still looking for direction in my career/work life.
-I mentioned this before, but I really really want to start looking at churches.  We have done this before and I've struggled to find one that I enjoy, but I would love to go to meet new people and renew my faith.  I need something positive in my life these days with lots of death and drama.  Hopefully we can get to that soon - maybe this weekend! 

Hope you all are doing well and hope to get on here more often.  Just need to find the time...(or win the lottery!).

1 comment:

Teagan B. Sawyer said...

It was good to read your post full of update. I'm so sorry about your friend. Thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. Congrats on your big award! I'm sure it really gets under your boss's skin haha and how can she not even congratulate you?! That blows my mind and I can imagine how frustrating it must be to deal with someone like that. I like reading your posts and it's totally understandable sometimes to be short on time :)