
Things Are Looking Up!

Things are definitely looking up these days.  We have had BEAUTIFUL weather here and I think it makes all the difference in my mood.  Of course, we are supposed to have storms later this week/weekend, but it's okay because we've had a week of great weather!  I have the windows open now enjoying the breeze!  Here's what I'm thankful for right now:

1) We just finished a wonderful weekend with my parents.  We all got along really well and had a lot of fun, and I'm glad they were able to come and be part of our son's PreK graduation (too cute!).  I am also very thankful because they helped us purchase our son's new bedroom furniture (now need to sell the old furniture to get some $$ for new paint and bedding!) and also bought me some new clothes for work so I will be styling when I go back to Boston at the end of the month for my training sessions.

2) If we can get ourselves motivated by this new furniture arrival, we can get our house back in order and start making fun additions to the house.  My next big wish is some new flooring - not sure if/when that can happen, but I'm hoping maybe by Christmas/the new year if we can find an option where we can make payments with no interest!

3) There is a SMALL chance that something at work might open up soon in my favor.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up at all because at this point it's just a rumor and I'm not even sure if they would actually be cool enough to consider me for it (even though I'm quite qualified).  But I heard yesterday that the HR manager (who actually isn't all that great at her job to begin with) has fallen in love with some guy in another city down south and is talking about moving soon to be with him.  Since we don't have an office in that city, she would obviously have to leave the company, but apparently she claims the reason she is out sick all of the time is due to stress at work.  It is a stressful environment but I think some people are more equipped to handle it than others.  I am just praying that she does decide to move and then that I can land the job!!!!  Maybe this is what the plan has been for me all along?!  Only time will tell...keep your fingers crossed!

4) The Dallas Mavs are in the Western Conference championships starting tonight, and I just found out that we got free tickets to go from hubby's work!  I'm excited!  Originally we thought we only had 2 so hubby and son were going to go but now we have 4 so I get to go too.  I will be sleepy tomorrow but it will be worth it!!! 

Hope you all are doing well and hope I can keep up my positive attitude.  Ready for things to keep progressing!  Next to-dos are to start exploring churches and keep working on the house!  Life is good!


Teagan B. Sawyer said...

All that sounds so awesome! Things are definitely looking up for you! Yea :)

Liz said...

The exploring churches thing has been on my to do list for quite some time. For some reason, I'm so nervous about actually going to a new church. I just joined MOPS & got two suggestions yesterday for local churches. I'm really hoping we can start in June (since we're out of town every weekend for the rest of this month).

Hope the job pans out. That would be great!

Pink Sun Drops said...

Crossing fingers for you! I love to light candles when the weather is dreary - it seems to help my mood. Congrats on the new furniture - that's always such a good feeling! And have fun at your game!!