
Redemption and a question

Today was another crazy day.  The difference was the attitude I chose to approach my day with.  I decided that no matter what I would stay positive and try not to get frustrated with what was happening because right now, I needed to figure out a way to deal with it.  And the best part was when I went to go into the meeting with my new executive leader and my extra special school lead, I actually was in the right and it felt so good!  Everything I had been trying to tell this guy and he was blowing me off like I was crazy was repeated by the executive.  We were on the same page and the school lead was the one having to be on the defensive and be the odd man out.  I'm sure it won't last forever, but for today at least he was was squirming a bit being put on the spot and being questioned.  I have to take the small victories where I can get them.  :)

The rest of the day was pretty much chao and still frustrating in ways but I refused to let it break me and I felt redeemed if even only for a moment.  And I decided yesterday that no matter what I would leave on time today to make my Zumba class even if that meant I would have to get online tonight to get more work done.  Thankfully I was able to leave on time, made Zumba (although had a hillariously ridiculous instructor substituting tonight for our usual one we like), and then headed home for some much needed time with my guys and relaxing (and didn't even have to get online to work more!).  

In other news, my question is - has anyone found an app for the ipad or iphone that they like?  I saw there was an iphone app for Blogger and then some other ipad Blogger extra app.  Has anyone used these?  Is the extra one for the ipad worth it?  Please let me know!  :)  

Hope everyone had a fabulous day and here's to hoping I can survive this craziness until I can figure out what truly is next!

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